4-H at Ozaukee County Fair

2024 4-H Events at County Fair

Looking for 4-H events at County Fair? COMING DURING FAIR 2024. Check out the 2024 4-H events on the Ozaukee 4-H Facebook page for daily 4-H event listings!

County Fair 4-H Volunteer Sign-up Links

Fair volunteer sign up time is upon us! The Ozaukee County 4-H Leaders Association Board wanted to share information again this year:

  • Each club is required to fulfill a parking shift (which is shared with your general club leaders) and an activity team shift (which is shared with your general club leaders). Please work with your club’s general leader if one of the above shifts would be of interest to you. 
  • In addition, to those shifts that will require limited numbers to fulfill, we are asking that each youth fulfills at least 1 shift at the fair in order to meet the club payment requirements. This requirement can be fulfilled with adults. This requirement does not include Cloverbuds. 
  • We are asking that if you are able and willing to please sign up for additional shifts, as your schedule allows, so we can fill all the needs we have during the fair! It is important for 4-Hers to support the Agriculture Society who makes the fair possible.   

Thank you for all your participation in making the fair a success!  Any additional questions, please refer to your club’s general leader! 

  • – Ozaukee County 4-H Leaders Association Board

2024 County Fair 4-H Volunteer Sign-up Links:

2024 Ozaukee County Fair Judging

Face-to-face Judging (non-animal projects):
4-H families face-to-face judging for Ozaukee County Fair 4-H exhibits is Thursday, July 25 and Friday, July 26 from 1:00pm to 6:00pm.

  • Entry Tags: Tags can be picked up inside the Expo building on Thursday, July 25 and Friday, July 26 from 1-6 pm. There will be string and tape available to attach the tags to your projects.
  • After the conclusion of Judging on Friday, July 26, entry tags can be picked up at the Fair Office during office hours.
  • Go to the Expo building which is the building noted on the map.
  • The 4-H judging schedule and more information can be found on the Ozaukee County Fair webpage.

County Fair Reference Materials:

2023 County Fair 4-H Special Award Winners (.pdf)
Fair Entry Tutorial (.pdf)

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