Extension Ozaukee County provides resources and education in three programming areas: Agriculture, Community Development, and 4-H & Youth Development.

4-H Youth Development

Gives young people hands-on experiences to develop an understanding of themselves and the world.


If it happens on a farm or in a field, the Extension Institute of Agriculture works with you to achieve better results.

Community Development

Offers educational programming to assist leaders, communities, and organizations realize their fullest potential.

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Youth Voice in Ozaukee County 4-H

The Ozaukee County 4-H program is committed to ensuring youth voices shape the future of its programming. To better understand the needs and interests of older youth, a county-wide survey was distributed, gathering valuable insights on leadership opportunities, county-level engagement, and barriers to participation in state and national 4-H events. Survey results highlighted a strong […]

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Strategic Planning with Rotary Club of Cedarburg Grafton

The president of the board of the Rotary Club of Cedarburg-Grafton contacted Paul to facilitate a process that would create a strategic plan for the organization.  As part of the planning process, the chamber was also interested in receiving feedback from its members.   To achieve the planning objectives, Paul first conducted a membership engagement survey […]

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Ozaukee County 4-H Sees Growth in Participation and Expanding Interests

Ozaukee County 4-H is growing, with a 3% increase in enrollment this year, reflecting enthusiasm for hands-on learning, leadership, and community engagement among local youth. As more families discover the opportunities 4-H provides, members are exploring both traditional and emerging project areas that align with their Sparks and future career aspirations. This year, rock climbing, […]

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Ozaukee County 4-H Youth Participate in Statewide 4-H Competitions

Wisconsin 4-H youth are gearing up for a series of statewide competitions that highlight their dedication and expertise in agriculture, with Ozaukee County 4-H members making a strong showing in events like the Wisconsin 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl and the Meats Judging Contest. Dairy Quiz Bowl: Testing Industry KnowledgeOzaukee County youth joined participants from across […]

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Our Office

UW-Madison Division of Extension
Ozaukee County
121 W Main St Port Washington, WI 53074

Phone: 262-284-8288
Fax: 262-284-8100
711 for Relay

Hours: M-F 8am – 4:30pm

The office is closed all major holidays and the day after Thanksgiving.

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