Community-serving organizations, including nonprofits, are more effective when they have a clear purpose/mission, vision, and goals. When there are changes in leadership, resources, community needs, and other internal or external factors that affect the organization, it is a best practice to engage in some form of strategic planning to set priorities, focus energy and resources, and ensure everyone is working towards common goals. When undertaking strategic planning, it is often beneficial to seek input from external stakeholders to help inform the planning process. These stakeholders can be service recipients, partners, key community members, funders, and others who may be connected to the organization.
Extension Community Development Educator Paul Roback is facilitating strategic planning processes with four Ozaukee County area nonprofits, including the Rotary Club of Cedarburg-Grafton, Portal, the Lakeshore Natural Resources Partnership, and the Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center. For three of these organizations, Paul designed and launched online surveys to solicit stakeholder feedback on organizational mission, vision, and programs. For Rotary, Paul designed and launched an online membership satisfaction survey.
The staff of the Lakeshore Natural Resources Partnership used stakeholder feedback when updating the organization’s mission and vision statements. Survey results will also be discussed during an upcoming strategic planning retreat with board members and staff. The Rotary Board discussed membership feedback and will solicit additional feedback during an upcoming in-person membership meeting. Data from the survey and membership meeting will inform a future strategic planning workshop. The surveys for Portal and the Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center are currently active and results will be compiled and discussed with the leadership of each organization at upcoming strategic planning workshops.