The executive director of Riveredge Nature Center, a local nonprofit, contacted Paul to facilitate a process that would engage the board and staff in a discussion of the organization’s mission and vision statements, and strategic themes. Riveredge Nature Center’s mission is “to support conservation through education that awakens curiosity, engages the body, and explores connections to nature for all people.” This discussion was an opportunity for the board and staff to provide input on the current strategic direction of the organization, ask questions, and identify any next steps that would help ensure their continued success.
Paul facilitated a two-hour strategic thinking session for 16 board and staff members. The opening activity allowed participants the opportunity to reflect on and share why they are engaged with Riveredge Nature Center. Paul facilitated conversations on the organization’s mission and vision statements, and the organization’s four strategic themes. This allowed participants the opportunity to share what excites them about each, as well as ask any questions they may have had. As a result of this facilitated conversation, participants agreed that they need to revise and update the organization’s vision statement, identify and define strategic values, and make minor updates to the strategic themes.
From evaluation (N=16), 100% of participants agreed that discussing the mission statement helped clarify their role as an organization and 87% agreed that discussing the vision statement assisted them in understanding the general direction for their organization’s future. Additionally, 87% agreed that discussing strategic themes helped them understand the priorities that assist their organization in working towards achieving its vision. Overall, participants evaluated the facilitation of the workshop as a 4.3 on a 5-point Likert Scale (1=poor and 5=excellent). One participant commented that it is “always helpful to have an objective facilitator” and another commented “well done. Not too imposing, but induced discussion.”