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Award Recipients

Wisconsin 4-H Key Award
The Wisconsin 4-H Key Award Program recognized a select group of 4-H participants who have demonstrated consistent growth in their 4-H involvement, developed and applied their leadership skills and actively participated in the functions of their 4-H club and community.
Mr. & Miss Ozaukee 4-H
The Mr. & Miss Ozaukee 4-H recipients are named through an application process to represent Ozaukee County 4-H through out the year. These older youth members serve as program ambassadors at various events across the county. They have demonstrated significant 4-H involvement at many levels within club, county, and state programs.
4-H Leadership Recognition Award
The 4-H Leadership Recognition Award recognizes an adult leader for exemplary service to the 4-H Program.
Friend of 4-H Award
The Friend of 4-H Award recognizes a citizen or organization from the community for their contribution to the 4-H Program.