Home » Mr. and Miss Ozaukee 4-H
Mr. and Miss Ozaukee 4-H

Jacob Cehanovich & Rebecca Gierach – 2025
Congratulations to Rebecca Gierach the new Miss Ozaukee 4-H 2025. Rebecca is the daughter of Robert and Amy Gierach. She is a 9 year member of the Lindenwood 4-H Club. She has taken the projects Sewing, Crocheting, Photography, Foods, Dogs, Wood-burning, Archery, Sheep, Beef, Tie Dying, Quilting, Leather Craft, Auctioneering, Woodworking, Shot Gun, Air Rifle and more.
Rebecca has served as the Vice President for 2 years, Secretary, Treasurer for 2 years and Histrorian/Reporter for 2 years of her 4-H Club. She is a youth leader for the Crocheting, Dogs and Wood-burning projects.
Rebecca said about the dog project, “I learn many skills from dog training, but I think patience and kindness are on the top of the list”. As a dog project youth leader she has learned how to explain showmanship patterns to the members in a way they will remember them. She said, “I am learning to be consistent and patient, not only with dogs, but with others, it teaches me to be persistent’.
Rebecca enjoys being involved with her 4-H club, county and state activities. Some of those activities include: Ozaukee 4-H Open House, New Family Fair Preview, Ozaukee County Board Exchange, organizing the “Meet the 4-H Animals” at the Ozaukee County Fair, Youth Counselor at Adventure Camp, Clothing Revue, Make it with Wool contest, Ozaukee Meat Judging Team, State Dog Show, Summer Academy in Madison and so much more!
Rebecca is in her Senior year of High School. She enjoys choir, piano, babysitting, working at CUW, Chapel Organ at CUW, sewing costumes, being involved in plays and musicals and caring for the elderly.
Congratulations to Jacob Cehanovich the new Mr. Ozaukee 4-H 2025. Jacob is the son of Daniel and Rachelle Cehanovich . He is a 10 year member, which includes 3 years as a Cloverbud of the Cloverleaf 4-H Club. He has taken the projects of Foods and Nutrition, Tie Dying, Creative Writing, Drawing & Painting, Clothing, Gardening, Cake Decorating, Soap making, woodworking and more.
Jacob has served as Historian/Reporter and Executive Board member for his club. He is a Youth Leader for the Tie Dying and Gardening Projects. He attended Fall Forum, American Spirit, State Fair Clothing Revue and exhibited projects at the Wisconsin State Fair. Jacob is active with the Ozaukee 4-H Haunt where you can find him working side by side with his father, mother and grandmother.
Jacob said about the clothing project, “This project taught me to be independent, organized, and confident in myself and my craft; and, most of all, to plan ahead”. He also pointed out “As of Clothing Revue 2024, there are two boys in this project, probably from the beginning of 4-H, this has been seen as a girls only project. In my opinion, I am a living contradiction to that theory”.
Jacob attended American Spirit Trip, Jacob said this about his interview, “This was my first real interview, to say I was nervous would be an understatement, but I did it anyway, pushing myself out of my comfort zone. My interview was awesome and I was chosen for the trip. The thrill of being pushed out of my comfort zone, where I have been most of my life, led me to apply for Mr. Ozaukee 4-H”.
Jacob is in his Sophomore year at Port Washington High School where he is involved in the PWHS Choir. He has also competed for Junior Chef for four years.

Cori Milam – 2024
Congratulations to Cori Milam our new Miss Ozaukee 4-H 2024. Cori is the daughter of Hollie and Jeff Milam and is an 8 year member of the Covered Bridge 4-H Club. She has taken the projects of Sheep, Dogs, Home Environment, Candy Making, Rabbits, Jewelry Making, Photography, Poultry, Candle Making and Flowers. Cori joined the sheep project because of her sister. A quote from Cori, “I joined the sheep project because of my sister. She always had something good to say about it when she came home. I do not live on a farm, and we are fortunate to have a farmer that provides sheep to us, Del Boehlke. Del has been providing support to 4-H for Covered Bridge 4-H Club for 50 YEARS!!! He is incredible for everything that he does. I want to be a veterinarian, I love animals. Over the years I’ve shown my interest in offering to help Del with chores, such as giving shots to the animals, feeding, and shearing. I get to learn more about the sheep species. This project will help me in the future since I still have not picked an area of where I want to specialize as a veterinarian.”
Cori has served as Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Historian/Reporter for her club. She is the newly elected President for the coming year! Another Quote from Cori: “For the past couple of years, I have been able to be a leader for my club. Since our older generation has graduated, there have been only so many people that are willing to take on a leadership role in our club. I’ve been able to run for each leadership position that has been offered in our club and serve. The only one I haven’t had the chance to do is the President. I am running for that position this year, and hope that I can pursue it.”
This past summer Cori attended the American Spirit Trip, she is a member of the Livestock Assoc. and the Dog Project. Cori has volunteered for many activities with her club and on the county level, such as Christmas caroling, The Haunt, Bowl-athon, Project Bunny, 4-H Camp and more.
Cori is in her Junior year of High School where she is involved in the Golf Team and the Best Buds Program. A Quote from Cori’s General Leader” I was talking to a mom who is also an alumnus of our club. She mentioned that her son is “Best Buds” with Cori. Her son is autistic. Cori has been working with this student in and out of school. Cori will take her new friend to work with her sheep. She realizes that working with animals can help this young man in so many ways. To some this may be considered as community service but to Cori it is helping a friend.

Maria Lee and Timothy Gierach – 2023
Congratulations to Marie Lee our new Miss Ozaukee 4-H 2023. Maria is the daughter of Rick and Deanna Lee. She is a 9 year member of the Lindenwood 4-H Club. She has taken the projects of Dairy, Archery, Leathercraft, Auctioneering, Woodworking, Tie-dying, Photography, Sheep, Shotgun, Dogs, Wood burning and more. Maria fondly remembers her yearning to be in the dairy project as she eagerly watched her older sister and waited her turn to walk a calf. A quote from Maria about the Dairy Project “Each year brought a new heifer with its own personality and challenges that I had to figure out. Just like leading a calf, life brings ups and downs, progress and recession. Through the Dairy project I have learned how to overcome challenges at different levels and those skills will only grow stronger as I get older. These skills will push me to work harder and also realize that it is ok to take a step back and figure out the root of the problem The Dairy project has shaped me into the person I want to be and has guided me to pursue a career in agriculture. Thanks to the calf that dragged me into the electric barbed wire fence, I found the passion and joy that will be a part of my identity for the rest of my life.” Maria has served as the Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of her 4-H Club, youth leader for the Tie-dye and Dairy projects, Vice President of the Leaders Association Board, coordinator of the Ozaukee 4-H Open House and Communications Festival, a 4-H Camp counselor, volunteer as an actor at the 4-H Haunt and currently on the Haunt planning committee. Maria attended Space Camp, Fall Forum where she was also a presenter and was selected to attend American Spirit which was unfortunately cancelled. Maria was honored to be selected to attend the National Agriculture Summit in Washington DC. Maria shared this thought on the summit, “This 4-H activity not only taught me how to work with a team whom I did not previously know to solve a problem, but taught me that my passion can be turned into a solution and we can make a difference in our communities.” Maria is in her Senior year of High School, she is involved in the FFA program where along with 4-H she continues her passion for a future in the agriculture industry.
Congratulations to Timothy Gierach our new Mr. Ozaukee 4-H 2023. Tim is the son of Robert and Amy Gierach . He is a 9 year member of the Lindenwood 4-H Club. He has taken the projects of Woodworking, Leathercraft, Sheep, Wood burning, Foods, Archery, Shotgun, Auctioneering, Air Rifle, Beef, Tie Dying and more. Tim shares the story that he always wanted to show dairy, but because their home dairy herd is closed, meaning they don’t let outside animals in for disease prevention, he was not able to show dairy. They were finally able to acquire and remodel an empty dairy barn on a distance location. This gave them the opportunity to purchase and raise steers, not just one but 30 head. Tim learned a lot from building construction in remodeling the barn, to raising the steers for market, They poured concrete, reinforced a wall, installed a watering system, a feed bin and an outdoor fence giving the animals a secure area for exercise and fresh air. A quote from Tim about his beef project, “All this has taught me research skills, time/money management skills, and marketing skills. I have learned how to watch animals for their health and catch problems much sooner. Not all of this was new, as much of what I learned with the sheep project transferred over easily to the beef project.” Tim has served as President and Secretary for his club and Youth Leader for the Wood burning Project. He attended Space Camp and Winter Leadership Camp. Tim shared this quote as he starts his third year as club president, “The office of president has taught me many leadership skills. First, it has taught me how to properly lead a group of younger members. It has also taught me responsibility with making an agenda for each month a week in advance so that the officer team and general leaders can review it before the club meeting. Finally, it has helped me learn better public speaking skills. Through all this, I have been a good role model for all our younger members to look up to.” Tim is in his Senior year of High School. He enjoys working on the family owned farm, learning and perusing many future career opportunities.
Abigail Garvey and Jacob Peacy – 2022

Congratulations to Abigail Garvey our new Miss Ozaukee 4-H 2022. Abby is the daughter of Eric & Vicki Garvey. She is a 9 year member of the Cloverleaf 4-H Club. She has taken the projects of Clothing, Home Environment, Photography, Crocheting, Tie-Dye, Poultry, Candle making, Goats and more. A quote from Abby “Each year, I like to try a new project. Previously I had shown chickens, they do not require much training, so I decided I wanted to show a baby goat, raise it from start to finish. How difficult could it be? As it turns out: Very!” “Having no prior knowledge, I started my research, finding a breeder, finding a place for it to live. Eventually I overcame both obstacles. I finally got to pick out and take home my Baby!, I thought I had done all my research, but no amount of reading could prepare me for him!! My journey has taught me an important lesson in perseverance, which I will use as I fill out applications and apply for colleges this coming year.” Abby has served as the President and Secretary of her 4-H Club, youth leader for the Cloverbud project, director of her Club’s Variety Show act, MC and coordinator of the Clothing Revue, she modeled at the Wisconsin State Fair Clothing Revue, 4-H Haunt actor and currently on the Haunt planning committee. Abby attended 4-H Conference in Madison, American Spirit and was selected to attend CWF which was unfortunately cancelled. Abby enjoys being a 4-H Camp counselor. Abby shared” Growing up, 4-H summer camp was always a highlight of my summer. It was four days of adventure, friends and singing. That is why I applied to be a counselor and give other kids that amazing camp experience. The opportunity to be a role model and lead the way for my campers is one I will cherish forever!” Abby is a senior at Grafton High School where she is involved in Forensics, FBLA and pep band. She is a member of the National Honor Society and Lake Shore Dance Company.
Congratulations to Jacob Peacy our new Mr. Ozaukee 4-H 2022. Jacob is the son of Angie Peacy . He is a 12 year member of the Knellsville 4-H Club. He has taken the projects of Photography, Arts and Crafts, Woodworking, Dairy, Fishing, Rocketry, Legos and more. A quote from Jacob,”Since my first Breakfast on the Farm when I was three, I loved cows. When I was old enough to join 4-H, one project I knew I wanted to be in was the dairy project. I wanted to be just like my 4-H big buddy, seeing him work with his cows; all I wanted to do was be just like him. Eight years later, I am proud to say that I continued to be in the project and help the younger youth, I hope that I am an inspiration to them, just like my big buddy was to me.” “The dairy project has taught me to be patience and that taking time can set you up for success. Also teamwork, it doesn’t matter what club you are in, when we are all getting ready to go in the show ring, everyone pitches in to make sure we are all putting our best foot forward. I think that is what 4-H is all about. Jacob has served as Vice President and Secretary for is club. He is an Ozaukee 4-H Ambassador, attended Space Camp and Winter Leadership Camp. Jacob is also a Youth Leader. He said,” Throughout my years in 4-H, the leadership activities I participated and am the proudest of didn’t start out as a leadership activity. For two years, I was part of the 4-H Activity Team at the Wisconsin State Fair, I became the unofficial leader of our room. At 4-H Camp, I became the unofficial leader of our cabin. I realized that my natural leadership abilities come through by making sure that everyone feels like they belong and that they are having a good time in whatever we are doing, and sometimes that requires me to be a little goofy to lighten the mood to get people involved. In the end everyone ends up having the time of their life!” Jacob is a senior at Port Washington High School where he is involved in Wrestling, Student Council, Choir, Band, Lego Robotics and Youth Theatre. He is a PWHS Wrestling Team Captain and an Eagle Boy Scout.

Amy Jentges and Caleb Gierach- 2021
Congratulations to Amy Jentges our new Miss Ozaukee 4-H 2021. Amy is the daughter of Margaret Jentges. She is an 8 year member of the Little Kohler 4-H Club. She is active in the projects of Beef, Dairy, Swine, Art, Home Environment, Photography, Jewelry Making, Wisconsin Ag and more. A quote from Amy ” One of the most important things I have learned in the dairy project is that, as a youth leader and more experienced animal handler, there is always someone watching you and aspiring to follow in your footsteps. The dairy project has offered me so much. There are countless skills, abundant knowledge and never ending memories that I owe to the dairy project. I know that what I have gained will continue to serve me well as I continue my agricultural education and strive to educate others about dairy animals, farms and the agriculture and dairy industry as a whole.” Amy has served as President and Secretary for her 4-H Club. Amy is currently a Youth Board member for the Ozaukee Leaders Association. Amy enjoys organizing the Communication Festival and serving on the 4-H Haunt Planning Committee. She is a youth leader for the Beef and Dairy projects. Amy has traveled to the American Spirit Trip, Space Camp, Winter Leadership Camp and Badger Dairy Camp. Amy said, “The communications festival is one of my most impactful leadership activities. It comforts me to see all my hard work making an impact by helping youth develop skills that will last a lifetime. Amy will be a Junior this Fall at Random Lake High School where she is a Random Lake FFA member, Random Lake FFA officer and on the RLHS Student Senate. Amy was also the 2019 Jr. Fairest of Fair.
Congratulations to Caleb Gierach our new Mr. Ozaukee 4-H 2021. Caleb is a 9 Year Member of the Lindenwood 4-H Club. He is active in the projects of Sheep, Woodworking, Foods Photography, Leather craft, Air Rifle, Welding, Auctioneering and many more. A quote from Caleb, “Welding is a new project for me this year. With the Covid situation it ended up being a self-learning project at home. I wanted to take this project to expand my abilities to fix and create projects in the construction world. The majority of my learning came from practice, cutting some of my work apart to check the quality and doing it again. I learned perseverance and to be independent. I was able to create a sheep shearing stand from scrap metal that looked identical to a purchased one, but sturdier and cheaper! This project has made me a more rounded person as I explore job opportunities for my future. The biggest lesson has been to learn independence in learning, I am more confident in my abilities to learn anything I put my mind to.” Caleb is a 4-H Camp Counselor and is currently a Youth Director for the Ozaukee 4-H Foundation. He has served his club as Secretary, Treasurer and Communications Leader. He enjoys participating in the Communication Festival and Variety Show. Caleb has traveled to State 4-H Youth Conference in Madison, Citizenship Washington Focus, American Spirit Trip and Space Camp. Caleb will be a Senior this Fall. He works on the family dairy farm and orchard. He is active at his church as an acolyte and usher, also involved in HIS Players Drama.

Emilee Thiede and Taylor Stewart- 2020
Congratulations to Emilee Thiede, our new Miss Ozaukee 4-H 2020. Emilee is the daughter of Todd & Deann Thiede. She is an 8 year member of the Cloverleaf 4-H Club. She has taken the projects of Dairy, Foods, Photography, Vet Science, Beef, Clothing, Drawing, Writing, Soap Making, Quilting and many more. Emilee said “I have been involved in many different 4-H projects over the years, these projects range from being as simple as making bath soaps, to spending hours on a quilt, getting it perfect to show at fair. However, out of the many projects I have taken one in particular stands out to me. I began the 4-H Dairy project when I was 10 years old, since I was 5 I have always dreamed of becoming a Veterinarian/Vet Tech, as the years have passed I realize that dream is not going to change.” Emilee is also a Youth Leader in the Dairy Project. She enjoys teaching what she has learned and bonding with the members. She said “Over the past three years as Dairy leader, I have had the chance to see so many kids in 4-H come out of their shell with confidence, open up to those around them and even show their own profound leadership skills.” Emilee has served as Secretary and is presently serving her second term as Vice President of her 4-H Club. She has attended State 4-H Youth Conference and Dairy Camp. Emilee is a Junior at Grafton High School where she is involved in Volleyball and Softball.
Congratulations to Taylor Stewart, our new Mr. Ozaukee 4-H 2020. Taylor is the son of Bryan & Erin Stewart. He is a 9 year member of the Knellsville 4-H Club. Taylor has taken the projects of Poultry, Adventures, Recycling, Skiing, Geocaching, Woodworking and more. Taylor said “The 4-H Recycling project has been a favorite of mine because it lets me express creativity in creating really fun projects out of things most people would deem garbage. It is a self-guided project. These skills will help me in the future as I plan to have a career in the trades and for general home maintenance and repair. Another skill I have learned is time management. Quite a few people have asked me to make them things after seeing my projects. I have to find time between school, sports and my job to make these projects. This will be helpful as I become an adult to use my time wisely and protectively.” Taylor is a Youth Leader in the 4-H Poultry Project. He said “ I like that it is a county wide project so I get to be involved with kids from all of the clubs and various ages. I like to share what I have learned and also like trying to make meetings fun so everyone participates. Meeting are always more fun and educational when you get hands-on experiences!” Taylor is an active 4-H Haunt Volunteer and attended 4-H Camp. Taylor is a Senior at Port Washington High School where he is involved in Cross Country and Track. He is also a 13 year member of his Snowboarding Team.

Megan Zaczyk and Philip Paulus- 2019
Congratulations to Megan Zaczyk our new Miss Ozaukee 4-H 2019. Megan is the daughter of Patrick & Wanda Zaczyk. She is a 9 year member of the Cloverleaf 4-H Club. She has taken the projects of Foods and Nutrition, Archery, Sheep, Candy Making, Home Environment, Ceramics, Clothing, Rabbits and many more. Megan said “Every project I have been involved in has had an impact on me; however, the livestock project has had a profound impact on me. I have been taught many important lessons, with one of those being perseverance. When the going gets tough I will not quit or back down, but I will challenge the obstacles in my way and conquer my goals.” Megan is also a Youth leader for her club. She has lead meetings for the Cloverbud, Exploring and Candy Making Projects. She said” I hope the impact I had on these members was positive and will inspire them to become the leaders I know they will become”. Megan has served as secretary and is presently the president of her 4-H club. Megan is a member of the Wisconsin 4-H Leadership Council and is presently serving as their secretary. She has attended Fall Forum 3 years, 4-H Youth Conference, traveled to Citizenship Washington Focus, American Spirit and will be attending National Congress this year. Megan is a Senior at Cedar Grove High School where she is involved in Forensics, Volleyball, Choir, Band and a member of the National Honor Society. She is also involved with her church as a Vacation Bible School Volunteer, Youth Group and attended the National Youth Gathering.
Congratulations to Philip Paulus our new Mr. Ozaukee 4-H 2019. Philip is the son of Gary & Marie Paulus. He is a 9 year member of the Waubeka 4-H Club. He has taken the projects of Archery, Leathercraft, Legos, Robotics, Ceramics, Woodworking and more. Philip enjoys the Lego project. He said, “I’ve learned how to follow instructions and to think on my own which are also skills that will help in my future”. Philip is a Youth Leader in the Leather craft project for his club. He is an assistant counselor at 4-H Camp; this included taking charge of group activities. Philip said, “I learned many leadership and communication skills from 4-H Camp”. He is very involved as an actor and volunteer at the 4-H Haunt. He enjoys helping with his club’s Variety Show act, his adult leader said, “At the Variety Show his leadership skills excelled. He helped direct the younger members while acting in the skit. The members like him because he is a lot of fun!” Philip has performed with his club’s Variety Show act at the Wisconsin State Fair 3 years. He has attended Space Camp, State 4-H Youth Conference, American Spirit East Trip and American Spirit West Trip. Philip is a Junior at Ozaukee High School where he is involved in Band and Baseball.

Anastasia Poull and Joshua Riemer – 2018
Congratulations to Anastasia Poull, our new Miss Ozaukee 4-H 2018. Anna is the daughter of Robert & Debra Poull. She is a 11 year member of the Jay Road 4-H club. She has taken the projects of home environment, horse & pony, photography, scrap booking, creative writing, art, shotgun, vet science, archery, drawing & painting, and more. Anna said, “of all the projects that I have explored over my years in 4-H, the horse & pony project has had the biggest impact on my life and still continues to help me grow.” As a young girl, Anna loved horses; she started in the horseless horse project and after hard work and showing responsibility, her parents found her a pony. Since then, Anna has trained and worked with two more horses. Anna said, “the horse and pony project teaches you to take any sort of success, whether it’s big or small, as positive progress. This will help in my future as I’ll need to take small steps as I progress toward a better job and have patience and persistence to not quit.” She is also involved in the education portion of the horse project and a member of the state horse bowl team. This has taught her to be a good public speaker, think on her feet and how to be part of a team. This past summer Anna was a 4-H Camp counselor. Previously she was a Space Camp delegate and Space Camp counselor. Anna said, “these leadership roles prepared me and gave me the experience to be a summer camp counselor and a role model for five 5th and 6th grade girls.” She was a 2017 American Spirit experience delegate. Anna is very involved with her 4-H club, where she has served as the Vice-President, Historian and a member of the Recreation group. Anna is a junior at Port Washington High School. She enjoys being involved in her school’s band and choir programs, musicals, forensics, and The Young Americans group.
Congratulations to Joshua Riemer, our new Mr. Ozaukee 4-H 2018. Josh is the son of Kevin & Lorrie Riemer. He is an 11 year member of Lindenwood 4-H Club. He has taken the projects of woodworking, sheep, foods, leathercraft, Legos, photography, workforce readiness and more. Josh said, “the sheep project has been the instrument that has taught me a lot of life skills.” In 2009, Josh started showing sheep and the work involved was immense. He first had to clean the barn, then make pens, purchase and put up fences for pasture. Josh said, “during showing season, I spend one to two hours a day with my sheep, getting them ready to show at the County, State and National levels. Raising sheep has helped me to prepare for my future in many ways. I have earned money, which will help me pay expenses and own enough land where I can raise sheep when I get older.” Josh is a Livestock Association Youth Representative. He enjoys this role because he can teach other people about something he enjoys doing, which is raising sheep. Josh said, “I have gained many positive attributes as a youth representative from better teaching skills to becoming a better public speaker.” Josh attended State 4-H Youth Conference and was a 2017 American Spirit experience delegate. Josh is active with his 4-H club where he served as Secretary, pledge leader, softball assistant coach and kickball coach. Josh will be a junior this year. He enjoys playing basketball, playing piano, H.I.S. Players Drama group, singing in the choir, and working at various jobs on his family’s hobby farm.

Mackenzie Neumann and Dylan Wohlers- 2017
Congratulations to Mackenzie Neumann our new Miss Ozaukee 4-H 2017. Mackenzie is the daughter of Lynn & Larry Neumann. Mackenzie is a 9 year member of the Town & Country 4-H Club. She has taken the projects of dogs, goats, scrapbooking, photography, cake decorating, archery, snowmobile/ATV and more. She is a Youth leader for the dog, scrapbooking and goat projects. Mackenzie said, “The dog project has had a huge impact on my life.” “I was given the amazing opportunity to be a judge at the fun match show; it was beyond difficult to give someone a placing when you know how hard they have worked.” Mackenzie is an Ozaukee County Leaders Association board member, this past year she served as secretary. She is very involved in the planning of the Communications Festival, Bunny Breakfast and 4-H Camp. Mackenzie said about 4-H Camp, “For four days, it is my job to be a parent like mentor to 4-6 youth around the clock. It has shown me just how strong my passion is for working with youth.” She was a 2016 American Spirit Experience Delegate. She has attended Space Camp as a delegate and as a counselor. Mackenzie is very involved with 4-H Club where she has served as their president and secretary. Mackenzie is a junior at Cedarburg High School. She enjoys being involved in Musicals, on Student Council and Best Buddies program.
Congratulations to Dylan Wohlers our new Mr. Ozaukee 4-H 2017. Dylan is the son of Rod & Amy Wohlers. Dylan is a 6 year member of the Jay Road 4-H Club. He has taken the projects of robotics, entomology and dogs. He is very involved in the dog project. Dylan said, “Six years ago I joined the dog project not only to help myself understand more about dogs, but to help Haley (my dog) and I bond and understand each other. Through Obedience and Showmanship training I learned to control Haley especially under stress and in the company of many people and other dogs. I plan on having a couple of dogs in the future that I can train on my own” Dylan is a member of the Older Youth, enjoys attending 4-H Camp. He is active with his 4-H Club where this past year he served as president. Dylan said, “As president you gather information of what is going on in the 4-H community and communicate this to the members and help them sign up for different opportunities and community services.” Dylan is a student at Random Lake High School. He is active in FFA, enjoys playing soccer, football, basketball and baseball. He is also the assistant Track coach.

Jessie Schoessow and Spencer Knier- 2016
Congratulations to Jessie Schoessow our new Miss Ozaukee 4-H 2016. Jessie is the daughter of Kurt & Cary Schoessow. Jessie is a 9 year member of the Lindenwood 4-H Club. She has taken the projects of Beef, Leathercraft, Archery, Drawing and Painting, Scrapbook, Home Environment, Quilting and more. She is a Youth leader for the Beef and Leathercraft projects. She is also the Beef Youth Rep for the Livestock Association and shows beef cattle at the Wisconsin State Fair. Jessie says, “Beef is in my family and in my blood.” Her entire family, Grandparents, parents, Aunts, Uncles, cousins, and siblings all showed beef cattle. She said, “The Beef project is what keeps my family together” Jessie is an Ozaukee County Leaders Association board member, where this past year she was very inspirational in the start of the first Bunny Breakfast. She was the 2013 4-H Youth Conference Delegate and the 2015 American Spirit Experience Delegate. Jessie is very involved with her 4-H Club. She has been a 4-H Variety Show performer since she was old enough to perform. Jessie said, “Beside the Beef project the Variety Show has also been a family affair.” Together with her mom who is the Lindenwood Variety Show leader, they love to think up clever ideas for a club act that can complete against their rival cousins in the Little Kohler 4-H Club. Jessie also loves to perform solo acts that showcase her beautiful singing ability. Jessie is a member of the Older Youth, an Ozaukee 4-H Ambassador, a 4-H Camp Counselor and a 4-H Haunt and Jamboree Volunteer. Jessie said, “Overall 4-H has formed and sculptured me into the individual I am today.” Jessie is a junior at Homestead High School. She enjoys being in the Fall Plays and Winter Musicals. She is a Sunday School teacher, a VBS Counselor and enjoys dancing with the Pommersche Tanzdeel in Freistadt.
Congratulations to Spencer Knier our new Mr. Ozaukee 4-H 2016. Spencer is the son of Ellen and Steven Knier. Spencer is a 4 year member of the Cloverleaf 4-H Club. He has taken the projects of Music, Woodworking, Foods, Arts and Crafts, and Candymaking. He is a youth leader for the Legos project. Spencer leads the members to be creative, he said, “Children have boundless creative energy and if encouraged can do anything.” Spencer enjoys volunteering at the Ozaukee 4-H Haunt. The rooms change every year so he enjoys picking out a new costume to fit the room and he said, “The face makeup adds a whole new level of scary!” Spencer is a member of the Older Youth, enjoys participating in the Communications Festival and the 4-H Bowl-athon. He is active with his 4-H Club. He shares his project talents and singing ability as his club goes caroling and puts on Mini Variety Shows for the residents at various Nursing Homes. Spencer is the male winner of the Ozaukee County 4-H Older Member Dance off from the 2014 4-H Dance. It was a hard fought battle, which he won those honors with Jessie Schoessow our new Miss Ozaukee 4-H, who was the female Dance off winner. Spencer was the 2015 delegate to Citizenship Washington Focus trip to Washington DC. He participated in the 4-H Day at the Capitol. Spencer said “ I am so lucky to be able to participate in such an amazing organization that has honed my skills, introduced me to amazing friends and shown me things I would have not otherwise seen.” Spencer is a Senior at Grafton High School. He is very active in the Choir and Band. He enjoys being part of the GHS Musicals and Plays. He is also on the GHS Forensics Team