4-H Countywide Activities

Ozaukee County 4-H Activities are open to all youth in any 4-H Club. Some of the activities do have grade restrictions on them. Watch the “Harbinger” Newsletter closer to the date of the activity for more information. You will also find more information and registration forms on the Forms Page.

4-H CAMP – 4-H summer camp challenges campers to try new activities, have fun, make friends, and gain new experiences. Activities include Each year activities are developed around a new theme. Activities include arts and crafts, archery, camp songs/skits, camping skills, camp cookout, nature experiences, water games, swimming, wildlife animal track, and much more! Youth in 3rd through 6th grade attend Summer 4-H Camp and youth in 7th through 9th grade attend Adventure Camp. Youth 15 and older can apply to be camp resource staff and camp counselors. See the 4-H Summer Camp page for more information.

BOWL-A-THON This is an annual fund-raising event that provides significant financial support for the Ozaukee County 4-H Foundation’s sponsorship of educational and leadership opportunities for adults and youth. The bowl-a-thon is held on a Sunday in late January or early February. Information and pledge forms are distributed to clubs; leaders encourage participation in this important fundraiser. Prizes are awarded to both individuals and groups in a number of different categories. There is also a traveling trophy awarded to the 4-H club raising the most pledges.

CLOTHING REVUE – Members enrolled in clothing and clothes horse projects participate in modeling garments they have constructed. Garments are evaluated on the suitability of garments to the individual, general appearance, construction in relation to general appearance, and wearability. All youth that participates model their garment at style shows held during the Ozaukee County Fair.

COMMUNICATIONS FESTIVAL – A fun event that provides 4-H members with the opportunity to build on their public speaking skills. Members may choose to present a demonstration or illustrated talk, teaching, or speech (simple book reading, interpretive reading, group/ partner, original, impromptu). All 4-H Members, grades K5-13, are encouraged to participate. Ozaukee County 4-H Communications Judges Rubrics/Critiques are located on the Forms page.

COUNTY FAIR – The Ozaukee County Fair is a great opportunity for 4-H members to display or exhibit the results of their year’s project work. The fair is a community activity, where people can see what 4-H members learn and make during the year. Exhibits are judged by the “face to face,” conference or Danish system, with ribbons awarded and premiums paid. Special “outstanding” ribbons are given to a select number of exhibits. 4-H members also participate in a variety of activities, demonstrations, sales/auctions, activity stations, and much more! The 4-H food stand (Clover Café) is run by 4-H families during the fair; this is a county-wide 4-H fundraiser to support the program throughout the year.

4-H DANCE – Each year in February the 4-H Leaders Association sponsors a 4-H dance as an evening of fun and fundraising. Proceeds from the refreshments sold at the dance are used to sponsor older youth attending 4-H opportunities such as Citizen Washington Focus, and American Spirit. Mr. and Miss Ozaukee 4-H and the 4-H Honor Court are a part of the evening festivities. A Dance-off is held for both the older and younger contestants and the moves are interesting.

THE HAUNT: One of Ozaukee County 4-H Leaders Association’s largest fundraiser! The Haunt committee is planning “The Haunt” at the Ozaukee County Fairgrounds. Youth and adult volunteers design and operate the Haunted House, meet new friends, and have a hauntingly good time.

MR. AND MISS OZAUKEE 4-H CONTEST – Each year outstanding youth can be nominated by their local 4-H club to participate in the Mr/Miss Ozaukee 4-H contest at the County Fair. Throughout the year, these representatives help with promotional activities, act as emcees at the Variety Show, help present awards at the 4-H Leaders Recognition Banquet, and assist with various activities at County Fair and Open House.

NEW FAMILY FAIR PREVIEW DAY – Get help with record books, participate in practice judging sessions, learn about the online entry process for exhibiting at the county fair, and enjoy hands-on fun.  All new 4-H families should plan to attend.

NATIONAL 4-H WEEK: A week in October is set aside each year to recognize and promote 4-H across the country. Each year a theme highlights the week. Many of the clubs will have window displays or some special promotion of 4-H in their community. Clubs, leaders, and members use this time to recruit members for the coming year. (First full week in October.)

PINEWOOD DERBY DAYS– The 4-H Leader Association sponsor a February Pinewood Derby build day, physics day, and race day!  An opportunity for youth to explore and apply science and engineering principles while creating an award-winning car.

JELLY BEAN JAMBOREE– A spring activity geared for children 10 and under and  open to the public. The event includes games, craft activities, photos with the Bunny, and is run by 4-H youth and adult volunteers.

TRI-COUNTY VISUAL ARTS FESTIVAL – The Tri-County Visual Arts Festival is typically held in Spring. It is open to all youth (community youth and 4-H youth) from the tri-county region of Ozaukee, Fond du Lac, and Washington Counties to share their creative talents thru 2D art submissions in a variety of categories. The entries are judged by an artist panel and feedback and awards are given in each category. Public voting also accompanies the online exhibit. A traveling art exhibit rounds outs the festival.

VARIETY SHOW – The annual 4-H Variety Show is held in March. It is open to all 4-H families and club members to share their creative talents. Entry areas include drama, novelty acts, vocal, instrumental, or dance performances. The show is planned and conducted by a countywide committee, which also holds auditions to select Variety Show participants. As part of the annual event, the 4-H International Committee conducts a raffle as its major fundraiser to sponsor participants in international travel programs.

VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT – Each year 4-H clubs compete in a one-day countywide volleyball tournament. There is a senior and junior division. This is a 2 game double-elimination format. The Older Youth raise money by selling food throughout the tournament.

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