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4-H Opportunities & Awards
Please note: All youth wishing to receive possible funding support for these experiences must apply through the Ozaukee County 4-H Leaders Association application process. For more information see the information on 4-H Awards and Opportunities Application Packet on the Forms page of the website.

National 4-H Congress
“Become a Catalyst of Change ”
National 4-H Congress is the flagship event of the 4-H program. For over 90 years, youth from the United States and its territories have participated in this youth leadership development conference. The Congress provides youth with a quality educational and cross-cultural experience that exceeds what any state independently provides. It is designed to address the needs and issues of youth while helping to develop capable, competent, and caring citizens.
About 75 youth representing University of Wisconsin Extension-4-H Youth Development attend this annual event. Delegates are selected at the county level, usually through an application and interview process. Applicants must be in 10th-12th grade at the time of application; maximum age for attendance is 18 on January 1 of the year of travel. For more information see the Wisconsin 4-H website with National 4-H Congress information. Applicants who are selected through the county trip award process will be asked to submit additional application materials required by state/national offices.

Citizenship Washington Focus
Citizenship-Washington Focus: A week-long summer program held at the National 4-H Center in Washington D.C. Experience the city of Washington D.C. and see all the sites while learning about American’s heritage, government, and civic responsibilities. You will get to know other 4-H members from Wisconsin and throughout the nation, and have the opportunity to meet your state legislators. Applicants must be in 10th-12th grade at the time of selection in fall-winter; minimum age of 15 during program. For more information see the Wisconsin 4-H website.

National 4-H Conference
National 4-H Conference: Only six (6) – eight (8) youth are selected statewide to attend this working conference at the National 4-H Center in Washington D.C. One day is spent on Capitol Hill meeting with legislators and touring. Youth must be in 10th –12th grade with minimum age of 15 and maximum age of 18 as of January 1st of year of travel. Ozaukee County can nominate one members to be considered for this experience. After county approval, youth must complete a state application. For more information see the Wisconsin 4-H website.

Space Camp
Space Camp: 4-H members in grades 6-8, with maximum age of 15 at time of travel, may apply for this fun-filled Spring week-end at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Participants will complete a simulated Space Shuttle mission, experience training simulators, tour the U.S. Space & Rocket Center and learn about becoming an astronaut. For more information see the Wisconsin 4-H website.
Summer Academy
This Positive Youth Development program will help you discover pathways to your future. Signup to learn what it takes to have a career, or a hobby in several SPARK areas including agriculture, STEM, service, leadership, arts, trades, and many more. There will be fun opportunities to build networks and friendships with folks from all over the state of WI. For more information, please see the Wisconsin 4-H Website.

American Spirit Experience
American Spirit : Youth learn about the steps to independence and freedom on a journey through their American Heritage. Visit sites of historical importance in Philadelphia, Boston, NYC and Niagara Falls. Youth need to have a sincere interest in learning about our history and heritage. Grade 8th-10th may apply. The approximate cost is $1100.00. Partial sponsorship is available. Youth will need a passport to travel to Canada. For more information see the Wisconsin 4-H website
Ozaukee County 4-H Leaders Association & Ozaukee County 4-H Foundation Educational Travel Scholarship Funding Support
All youth wishing to receive possible funding support for these experiences must apply through the Ozaukee County 4-H Leaders Association application process. Partial scholarships are available for the state and national trips by submitting a cover letter, resume, essay response, and recommendation by the deadline. For more information see the information on 4-H Awards and Opportunities Application Packet on the Forms page of the website.
Statewide Scholarships
Each year, the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation provides a sum of money to the State 4-H Office for needs-based scholarships for youth to participate in statewide Educational Experiences. Wisconsin 4-H believes that cost should not be a barrier to program participation. Youth can apply for a scholarship and learn more about the process by visiting the Statewide Scholarship webpage.
Fall opportunity listing: (may change)
- Advanced Space Academy
- Citizenship Washington Focus
- Leadership Washington Focus
- National 4-H Conference
- Space Camp and Space Camp Counselor
- American Spirit
- International Travel
Spring opportunity listing: (may change)
- National 4-H Congress
- Summer Academy
- Wisconsin 4-H Key Award
Key Award
The Wisconsin 4-H Key Award Program recognized a select group of 4-H participants who have demonstrated consistent growth in their 4-H involvement, developed and applied their leadership skills and actively participated in the functions of their 4-H club and community. Please see the 4-H Awards and Opportunities Application Packet on the Forms page of the website for more information.

Crowley 4-H Dairy Leadership Award
The James W Crowley 4-H Dairy Leadership Award program provides recognition to 10th to 12th grade youth who have excelled in their dairy project. Youth must be currently enrolled in the 4-H Dairy Project and have at least two previous years of membership in it. The James W Crowley Dairy Management and Extension Fund is the sponsor of this award. We are pleased to name the award in honor and memory of James W. Crowley, longtime Extension Dairy Specialist and strong supporter of dairy youth projects. A special engraved medallion will be presented to the outstanding 4-H dairy project member in each county for their accomplishments. These medallions are provided by the Crowley Fund. County Award winners are eligible to complete for 15 state-wide awards. State winners will receive plaques, and the top two youth in the state competition will each receive $500 awards for continuing their dairy education.
Ozaukee County 4-H Foundation Scholarships
Ozaukee County 4-H Scholarships are available. Detailed information is located on the 4-H Foundation page of the website.
Ozaukee County Dairy Promotion Committee Scholarship
The Ozaukee County Dairy Promotion Committee will offer scholarships to one or more high school seniors who have, or will be enrolling in a formal educational program related to agriculture. Students currently enrolled in a similar program may apply and receive the scholarship for the following school year. The applicant must be an Ozaukee County resident at the time of the application.
Your scholarship guidelines must include the application form, two letters of reference, and an essay describing your educational and career plans.
Rules and Regulations
- The scholarship may be used at any accredited vocational school or university where the applicant will be enrolled in a full-time educational program.
- Payment of the scholarship will be made by the Committee treasurer following receipt of a cancelled check or fee statement showing the tuition has been paid. Scholarship amount paid will not exceed the tuition amount.
- The amount of scholarships and number of recipients may change on an annual basis.
Selection criteria:
- Interest and involvement in agriculture – 20%
- School and community involvement – 30%
- Essay on career plans – 20%
- Letters of recommendation – 30%
Completed Ozaukee County Diary Promotion Scholarship Application and letters of recommendation are due on April 1st
Farm Bureau Essay Contest

Ozaukee County Farm Bureau’s Ag in the Class-room committee offers an annual essay contest for fourth and fifth grade students.
For more information visited the Ag in the class-room website www.wisagclassroom.org or contact: Lisa Gantner at ljklug83@hotmail.com or Patti Roden at rodenp70@gmail.com.
Farm Bureau Scholarship
The Ozaukee County Farm Bureau is making available scholarships to students who will be beginning their freshman year in higher or continued education. Plase see the requirements and application process in the Ozaukee Farm Bureau website. For more information, please contact Ozaukee County Farm Bureau Service Center, 7359 Hwy 60, PO Box 797, Cedarburg WI 53012 or 262-377-2772.
Wisconsin Town’s Association Scholarship
The Wisconsin Town’s Association has a scholarship available to high school seniors. For more information, see Wisconsin Town’s Association Scholarship